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Filtering by: “tips”

Caffeine & your health

Caffeine & your health

Many of us cannot imagine a morning without a caffeinated cup of coffee or tea, but how much do you know about the benefits and risks of our beloved beverages? It may be a staple in our routine and our culture. However, the caffeine involved in these daily rituals, does so much more than just adding a pep in your step... It is a central nervous system stimulant that affects your body in numerous ways. Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug, and unlike many other psychoactive substances, it is legal and unregulated in nearly all parts of the world. Tune in to Learn - What caffeine is and where we consume it - How much is too much - How can we use caffeine to our benefit, not demise - How it interacts with medications - Caffeine-Free alternatives to try and purchase at FN

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Portion Distortion

Portion Distortion

Portion Distortion can present itself on either extreme of the serving size spectrum. Growing portions sizes that many think are “normal”, when in fact there’s enough food on your plate for two or even three people. On the flip side, portions so small that your body misses out on essential nutrients and vital energy balance, fall under the category of deprivation.

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